Our vision at Santa Barbara Sea Ranch is to build a locally owned and operated offshore mariculture farm that generates a new, sustainable source of healthy and delicious protein that will help to meet the planet's need for increased food supply in a very environmentally friendly way. We will grow Mediterranean mussels, Pacific oysters, and purple-hinge rock scallops for sale to both local and regional markets. We will create economic opportunities for our community, as well as serving to advance state and national goals for increased domestic aquaculture and secure food supply.

Updated August 2024:
We will be speaking at "Seagriculture," the 3rd Annual Seaweed Conference USA in Ketchikan, Alaska, discussing the challenges with securing aquaculture permits in California.
We have now completed our work with the San Diego environmental consulting company, ECORP, to define and prepare the scope and cost of the CEQA environmental impact report (EIR) that is required by the California Fish and Game Commission for approval of the state water bottom lease. The proposed EIR study has been fully reviewed by all interested parties and is now ready to be executed once SBSR has identified the right investment partner. The extensive work already performed in preparation of the CEQA Initial Study will greatly inform the EIR and significantly reduce the cost and time required for the full EIR process.
Seeking Financial Investment
We are excited to announce that our startup is currently seeking financial investment to support our next phase of growth. We are looking to raise approximately $3 million. If you are interested in exploring this investment opportunity, we would love to provide you with more information. Please contact us directly to discuss how you can be a part of our journey. CONTACT US